Petition for the Reconsideration and Modification of the National Transportation Safety Board's Findings and Determination of the Probable Cause for the Crash of TWA Flight 800
CONTENTS: click on the desired section below.
1) Inability to explain a variety of features in the wreckage, including the localized recrystallization of metal (high explosives indicator) at the rear of the center wing tank.
2) Incomplete and inadequate accounting for the presence of explosive traces found in diverse parts of the aircraft.
3) Avoidance of public access to or failure to conduct necessary laboratory analyses to conclusively determine the source of nitrates found within the center wing tank wreckage.
4) Failure to explain or mention multiple high-speed (Mach 2) radar targets near the aircraft at the time of the accident.
5) Failure to produce any evidence or analysis supporting a widely publicized post-failure flight path.
6) Denial of public access to results of testing and analysis of abnormal sound data contained near the end of the Cockpit Voice Recorder record.
7) Incomplete release of radar data and blocking public access to the recorded movement of unidentified targets.
8) Failure to collect or analyze a sufficiently detailed database from over six hundred witnesses.
9) Inability to explain over 100 official eyewitness accounts.
10) Incomplete and untimely response to valid Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests by FIRO and members of the public concerning the official investigation.
ATTACHMENTS (Large, 5 MB file size. Expect long loading-delay prior to viewing)
Printable (PDF) version of the main petition (220 KB file size. Expect short loading-delay prior to viewing)