Krieger Comparison
On the evening TWA Flight 800 went down, Heidi Krieger was taking
pictures from a boat off the coast of Long Island. One of her photos
appeared to show at least one missile contrail. The FBI confiscated
Krieger's negative and stated that the photo did not show a missile
contrail, just the effects of "debris on the negative." Krieger did
mantain the original photo and scans of this photo were obtained by
independent researchers. These researchers have verified the validity
of the following image.
A month later, in August of '96, during a test
launch of an Arrow-2 missile, a military
photographer captured the conrtrails of a previously launched missile on film.
The following two images are of Krieger's and the military's photos
Here is the full image of the arrow 2 launch.
Photo of the red residue, obtained from the wreckage by James Sanders.